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"Makin' banana pancakes....pretend like it's the weekend now..." I just needed to post an update blog. A: because it's been a few weeks, and B: because tonight was so awesome.  :)
     Short and sweet- Spring Break was awesome. I loved being home, and early in the week it was kind of depressing to be back in classes. But I'm getting back into the routine, so it's all okay now.
    I'll just start with the main event - we had another "Fratcakes" event tonight. This one was from 10 until 2, and I was there until about 1:30 or so. I absolutely LOVE doing this. It's so much fun, and I love how people are always so taken aback by a few free pancakes. But as for why I'm really writing this... I had a great conversation tonight. I just keep asking God to speak to this guy's heart. He came up to the tent with his friend, and they asked us about the pancakes, and he wants to know if this is for a church. So I told him, yes, we're with Resonate, and just giving out pancakes.
   "Is there any Jesus involved?"
    "Yeah, sure," I say, "There's a lil' bit of Jesus involved. We're just out here loving people because He does."
    We then begin to discuss how he's Jewish, and therefore "can't accept our pancakes". Jokingly, of course. He asks what church, and where it is and stuff like that. And we're just talking about random theology, communion,  the differences between Catholic and Protestant, when he happens to swear, and then apologize. And me, being me, casually reply with, "It's all good."  He's kind of taken aback by this, and is like, "What? That doesn't offend you?" I just say that just because something is a conviction of mine, doesn't mean I get to hold him to my standard or judge him for what he's doing. By this point, his friend has pancakes, and so we introduce ourselves, shake hands, and he leaves.  The night goes on, and about 12:30 or 1-ish, he comes back, by himself, and gets two pancakes. Then proceeds to come stand next to me and say that he wants to talk some more while he eats them.
   "Give me your sales pitch."
    I knew the 2 minute Gospel wasn't what he was looking for. "I don't have a sales pitch. It's not about 'selling' it to you. Jesus can sell himself."
    Again, confused look.  And then randomly, "so you believe in the Trinity?" Me: "Yeah, I do."
    "Where does that idea come from? I mean, where in Scripture is that mentioned?"
      I'm so happy at this point - because I know the answer to this! AND I know it from the Old Testament, which is all he'll credit anyhow. I tell him about Genesis 1:1, and how all 3 parts of God are present at creation. And he says he's never heard it explained like that before. Our conversation just goes on like that! We talked about hope, and how I feel sad for people who don't believe in more than this life because there's so little hope. He asks me if I can even say something negative, and if there's a group of people that irritate me. I decided to level with him, and said "Apathetic Christians". That spurred the discussion about how people need to just go all out or none at all. And we talked about homosexuality, and how in God's eyes, all sins are the same (another 'new' thing for him) even if our culture weights them differently. And about why Christians don't believe that the Old Testament laws are necessarily applicable to us anymore because Jesus' blood opened a new covenant.
      He finishes his pancakes, and tells me "Thanks. I've learned some stuff tonight. Might need to go home and crack open my Bible. I do own one, believe it or not." before leaving.  :D  Have I mentioned how amazing God is? All this week I've been wondering if I'm ready to take the step into a leadership or discipleship role. And after tonight, I love answering questions. People are so curious when they see authentic human beings, just...loving Jesus. And my history in all the Old Testament stuff, and knowing the answers to those kinds of questions, well... that just made it so much more effective. And I loved every second of it! It's gone past just the need to "win" that I had when I was younger.  Sharing the Gospel is all about listening to people, and meeting them where they need met. They don't need to be smacked over the head with hell. They need to be encouraged to be thirsty. I just pray that the words I had to say tonight were God's words, not just mine. And that they'll plant seeds of curiosity and openness to Christianity for him.
    Call me crazy...but I would totally stand outside every weekend in the freezing cold to have conversations like that with people. It's so worth it.
    That's what I've been learning these last few weeks, I guess. Lukewarm just doesn't cut it in this world, guys. It's gotta be all out. And people respond well to authenticity. It's not about being perfect, it's about being real. Time to step up, brothers and sisters.  :)  Time to step up.

*Banana Pancakes, Jack Johnson


"I sing a simple song of my my Jesus...."

Dude!! Spring break is coming in like.... less than 3 days. :D  Actually, I will be home in approximately 60 hours. I think I calculated that right.  :D I'm so excited! It's not a homesick "oh my gosh get me out of Pullman" type of feeling, it's just, I'm ready for a break, and I'm looking forward to reconnecting with some "old" friends and seeing my family. I worked really hard this past weekend to catch up on all my homework, so as of last night, all I really have left to do is study for my 2 tests, and run a bunch of "pre-leaving" errands. I won't be able to totally forget about school, but it'll come close. :)

Riding back with me Friday morning is my (amazing) roomie, her friend from Eastern (who's gonna get here by bus Thursday afternoon), and yes, a total stranger. WSU started this "ride share" network, and I figured, if there's anyone who's going to LV/Kelso that's not a total psycho, can leave when I am, and is willing to help pay for my gas there and back, why not? I've got an extra seat in my car, after all. So there's a girl named Chelsea who's also going to be in our car. Look at me and my bad self, branching out. Hahaha. :) I'm coming Longview!! As fast as I can!

Another thing to talk about in this blog is Lent. I have never really recognized Lent, but I think I'm going to try this year. When thinking about what I should give up, I was having trouble finding something that wouldn't just me making it "easy" on myself. And as people have been saying, it's not about what we can afford to sacrifice. It's recognizing that Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice, and we need to surrender something that "hurts" a little bit. Randomly as I was going through some options, the verses in John 6 came to my mind. That's the part of the Bible where Jesus talks about Himself as the Bread of Life. And I've been enjoying the symbolism of that idea - giving up bread. For those who don't know me super well, I love bread. It's my favorite food group ever. And so I'm going to take these 40 days to focus on making Jesus the "bread" in my life. Yes. I realize that it's going to be hard. So many food choices, especially for a college student, involve bread of some sort.

So here's my "yes/no" list. Not so that I can be legalistic, because I know that's not what Lent is about. But just so that I can keep it straight with me, and with God, what I'm giving up.

"Bread" includes: Bread by the traditional definition, as well as bagels, biscuits, muffins, scones, crust on pizza or pies, waffles/pancakes/french toast, crackers, and tortillas
Not in the "bread" category: granola, cereal, "breading" on meat (ie: chicken strips), pasta, potatoes

The only exception to my "Lent-ing" would be if I'm a guest at someone else's house for a meal, and the main course falls under/involves one of the items. But if I can just skip the rolls, that's what I'd do. Oh, I guess communion is an exception too. Although, I don't know whether or not those baby crackers are even counted in the food pyramid. ;) Lol.

I am very much aware of how much of a challenge this is gonna be for me. And even though it's a much more traditional "Lent" idea than giving up something like Facebook, or TV, or more modern options, I think this is what I need to do this time.  :)  So, starting as of... oh, 20 minutes ago.

Jesus said, "I am the Bread of Life. The person who aligns with me hungers no more and thirsts no more, ever. " - John 6:35

*Arms of Love, Vineyard