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"Am I really something beautiful? Yeah, I wanna believe...wanna believe that..."

One month down! Well, four weeks...but for all intents and purposes, that's the same thing. Haha.

So far, classes have been good. I mean, it's a lot of information every week that I need to be covering. And we haven't gone through our first round of midterms yet, so I'm still in the "coasting" phase. I've got basically only classes that relate to my majors/minor, which makes it so much better. I actually enjoy reading my textbooks this semester! :)

My roomie and I are doing really well. It's a different dynamic than it was last year, and I'm still learning how to read her, but I know we're going to have fun living together this year. I've seen my last-year's roommate several times since the year has started, which is great. Honestly, she became one of the best friends I ever have had, not really because we are so similar (although in many ways we are), but because we grew so comfortable being totally honest. After the somewhat overwhelming experience of moving away from home for the first time, we both needed a way to feel "home" at school. So, at least on my end, I never tried to hide anything. Yeah. I was really blessed.

Our small group this year is going to be an...interesting...experience. Haha. It's been really inconsistent so far, who's been coming. And last week, all but one person had an "excuse" to not show up. It's just funny, since I'm just doing this for the very first time, I don't know how to approach the awkward situations like that yet. This is going to be a big year of growth for me, leadership-wise. I'm very grateful for the Chi Alpha family, and I'm grateful that I have a place this year where I feel "needed". That was so weird, last year, never feeling like I had a role to play, in anything really. I notice, even in my friendships, that I'm more committed now that I know someone wants me to be there. The girls in the leadership team are amazing, and I hope that we will get to know each other much better over the next few months. Plus, the freshmen who have been getting involved are super fun. I like hanging around with them when I get the chance.

On Sundays, we started a series at Resonate called "Uncommon Sense: For Love, Sex, and Dating". Let me begin by saying, if you are a human over the age of 15, you should go to the church website and watch the videos of the messages. So far, sooo good. Last week was a message directed towards men, but there was still a lot that the women could get out of it. The older I get, the more respect and admiration I have for the guys who are living life the right way. I'm super proud of my brothers. It's easier this year to feel like I have at least the beginnings of guy friends, which I have missed so much. Nothing more than that (which is another entry in and of itself), but that is alright. Girls just get boring after awhile. Haha. I think this sermon series is going to be awesome, though. It's ministering to me a lot where I'm at, and has been helping put things back in perspective. Anyone who's been single for any period of time knows how the wistful thinking comes in waves. The first few weeks of school, I definitely was riding one of those waves. It's calming down, and I'm happy about that. Emotionally, I don't like having to go through the day that high-strung.

I've got laundry ready to be moved to the dryer, so I'd better finish up this entry so I can go to bed before it gets "too" late. We had some hilarious (slightly tipsy) people stop by tonight at like 11:45 - I got to teach a guy how to take his earrings out. He and this girl who were with him had apparently been asking several different people to try and help get his earring out. It was the same kind of post that I wear, so I could do it without any problem. They were astonished. ;) Pretty funny.

Not much else to say....Lion King is being released in 3D in theaters on Friday!! I'm excited. :D And me and Brianna are probably going to drive to Spokane or Lewiston in order to watch it. College road trips, bay-beee!

*Someone Worth Dying For, Mikeschair