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"I don't wanna mess this thing up.... I don't wanna push too far...."

Hey there world! :)

Well, it's been a month, so I think we're due for a new post. I'm sitting downstairs in Cleveland, drinking my white chocolate mocha, enjoying the fact that I have an extra hour in my morning today. It's hard to believe that Thanksgiving break starts in less than 3 days! I'm pretty excited. It's going to be busy, but a good kind of busy. November has really flown by. Dad's weekend was last weekend, so the family came up for a few days. Good times hanging out with them - though I must confess, I feel a little sorry for my poor brother, who's probably sick and tired of coming over to Pullman ever couple months. He's a trooper, that one. ;)  I'll return the favor, though....once he's at school somewhere exotic. What a burden it will be to visit him in Hawaii, right?

What else is going on? School wise, this week turned out busier than I was expecting, but I guess that's fair. It wouldn't be nice for everyone else to be stressing about tests when I just got to coast through. I only have one exam this week, and the rest is just a lot of homework and paper-writing stuff. But I made my official pre-break to-do list, which means that my motivation now is to keep crossing things off! Tonight I need to finish a history paper, a math lesson, and meet up with my T&L presentation group. Oh, and trying to eat everything in the fridge that might go bad between now and December. Wow -- December! It's so insanely close! We're lucky - there hasn't been any signs of serious snow in Pullman yet, and I'm good with that. It's not invited until after Thanksgiving, and even then, Snow and me have a love-hate relationship.

All the Northside core girls 
Our core finished the Operation Christmas Child outreach project - the girls did an amazing job! It was XA wide, but we "sponsored" it. The goal was 12 boxes -- we did 13. Awesome. :) I'm taking them to the drop off today.

Random tangent: I'm old! Gah! My birthday is tomorrow, though frankly, I haven't given it a whole lot of thought. I've already been blessed to get a card and a package in the mail (no, I haven't opened them yet!) and I'm going to be spending the day doing various things with my friends/family (not birthday things, just social things). So it'll be a good day, I think. :) I'm at that point where I feel like I enjoy keeping my birthday kind of secretive. Not because I don't want people to know the date, but just because I don't want them to feel like they need to say or do anything. In the grand scheme of life, it's not that important. Though I am turning 20, I don't feel nearly old enough or mature enough to carry that age. Maybe someday I'll feel ready to be guess is about the time I turn 30. haha.

Workin' my new WSU sweatshirt!
I've registered for next semester, and it's going to be insane. I'm taking a full load (18 credits), as well as a lot of other outside-of-class things. Realistically, I also need to find a job, or some source of income, just because I can't keep spending money without saving more. Especially since there are some exciting things on the horizon for the summer. I'll write more about that when I have more liberty to speak about it, but when I found out last night, I nearly started crying with excitement. That's a story for another blog entry.

Alright, well, not much other news as of right now. I have class in 10 minutes, so I'd better start packing up my stuff. Hopefully by the next blog entry, I can title it with some Christmas music!!! :D

*Just A Kiss, Lady Antebellum