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"Oh you think that you know me....Baby you don't know a thing about me...."

Enjoying my $2 drink on THam's
student promotion day
That's right people... it's February! Month of Super Bowl Sunday, Single's Awareness Day, red & white hearts, Presidents' Day weekend, and only 29 days (because it IS a leap year, after all!). Basketball season is on the downhill slide, and baseball will just barely be getting started. Guess that means that enough has gone by for a new blog post.  :)

Where to start? Sheesh.... My life has been all over the place emotionally in the last couple of weeks. I don't even know how much of it I should be posting here, and how much of it is just my own personal stuff to mull over. So if I give you too much information, well, I'm sorry. I tried to consolidate, I really did.

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I suppose the best thing to do first is to get the sappy unnecessary girl stuff out of the way. 2 decades of singlehood! *fist pump here* Well...okay, that won't be official for 9 more days, but let's be realistic. No one in their right mind starts a relationship the week before Valentine's Day. So I will, once again, be celebrating Single's Awareness Day. It's ok. Not knowing any differently means that I rather enjoy my ice cream and chick flick traditions.  When I'm not thinking too hard about it, I find that wayyy less stressful than trying to get all cute and come up with some romantic gift. So no worries there! Plus, after a few things that happened at winter camp this year, the wistfulness that has plagued my heart the last year is gone. Hallelujah! Knowing that you're committing the sin of coveting  and feeling powerless to stop it? Well, that just sucks.

That comment then transitions perfectly into my update about winter camp, I think. See what I did there? ;)  Let me see... winter camp....
It was pretty great. The topic this year was Gideon and his life in the book of Judges. The speakers did an awesome job pulling out a lot of different points: listening to God, humility, being powerless in ourselves, repentance.... I mean, just good stuff. I learned a lot about how much our pride gets in our way. As someone quoted, "Christians need to stop trying to put up a dam in the river of God's will, as if to say 'this work of God passed through me first'." Ain't that the truth! In the long run, it doesn't matter if God worked through ME, all that matters is that God WORKED. Especially as a Corefa this year, I'm trying to be cautious of taking credit for anything that goes on in another person's life. In the reality of it, I did nothing. Saturday night was talking a lot about our own shortcomings. I don't know what came across to other people, but I just felt this need to repent for, well, everything. I remember just walking out  into the side aisle and sitting down. I wanted to have some privacy to just pray and sing in whatever language I needed to, and I don't want my interactions in the Spirit to distract other people around me. So I did. I sat down and just started talking to God. I repented for anything that I could think of, and as I did, the Holy Spirit continued to surround me - stronger than I've felt in a while, actually. As this was going on, I was also asking God about my recent struggles with blessing. I mean, why? I'm overwhelmed with the smooth pathway my life has been on for 20 years now, and have been waiting for the proverbial shoe to drop lately. It even caused me to question how much of a "Christian" I am, not having gone through a lot of trials to prove my faith, you know? I got this vision in my mind of Moses, holding his staff up over the battlefield of the Israelites, and Aaron and Joshua standing next to him, holding his arms up. I felt like God was calling me to hold up the arms of Moses. That's what he wants me to do, at least in this season. How I interpret that? Be there for the other leaders on the front lines. Be steadfast, encouraging, and available to support them. And seek no credit for yourself.  For to whom much is given, much will be required. So I'm going to make that a focus of my ministry within the body -- encouraging and supporting those who are fighting the battle as leaders. That wasn't the only word I received...but the second one, I think I'm going to keep to myself for a while. It's not one that the whole cyber space really needs to hear my interpretation of, at least not yet.

One of these days, I'm supposed to be hosting some peeps from Longview up here for the weekend! And frankly, I am so excited! :) We only have 2 more home basketball weekends, and the idea would be for them to come up here for a game, Resonate, and touring of Pullman/WSU. I'm trying to plan everything out in my mind. Lol. The sooner the better, if you ask me! The downside is, it means I have to constantly be on top of my homework because there won't be much advance notice as to when they'll be here. The upside is, I'll always be caught up on homework! Haha.

Another fun fact...I won the "guess the final game score" for the Super Bowl today! 21-17. Giants. That's right. And they think I don't know my sports! Okay...yes, some of it was just dumb luck.

Well, it's almost midnight and I still have some math homework to get done before tomorrow morning. *sigh* Why can't we have Mondays off every week? That'd be perfect.


*Mr. Know It All, Kelly Clarkson