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"We just wanna make the world dance....forget about the price tag..."

Wow, has it seriously been a month since my last post? Time sure flies!
Well, this year is quickly drawing to a close. Yesterday was the first day of "dead week", which contrary to its name, means "do as much as you can in as little time as possible" week. I've only got 3 finals, which is very relaxed compared to some, but it will still be a lot of work for me. I'm trying to keep myself motivated to study instead of play, which isn't always easy (especially when my [very much loved] roomie is able to sleep in until noon and watch movies all afternoon). But it's been a fantastic freshman year, and really, I'm kind of sad to see things wrapping up. Luckily for me, almost all of my friends live within about 2 hours of home, so I know that we at least have the option to hang out once in a while.  :)

This past Sunday was Easter - and it was fantastic! I've been excited for it for almost a week beforehand. Resonate had a service in the morning instead of the evening, so I got up "early", went down to the dining hall, and had my first muffin since the beginning of Lent. And it was a very tasty one, at that! Came upstairs and opened my "easter basket" care packages from my family - they're just so awesome - and then started getting ready for church. It was great - I put on my "Jesus" music and did everything except for hair. Then drove down to Stephenson and spend another hour with Laurel, who was nice enough to curl my hair for me. <3 We went to service, and the room was packed! It was probably close to 400 people, and with a college church, that's so exciting to see!

I knew some people who went home for Easter, and I really debated whether or not I should. But...this is the first year here, and I wanted to experience the holiday with all of my "new" brothers and sisters. Was it weird? Yeah, a little bit. However, Easter, by nature, is kind of a floating holiday. It's been anywhere from early March to late April, and I've celebrated with any grouping of family members, in places from Longview to Hawaii. With that said, I think we have less "traditions" to miss , because it's really just about the core of the holiday. He is risen!!

Sunday afternoon, Alma and I took a roomie-roadtrip to Steptoe Butte. It was so fun! :) I've been looking forward to that opportunity to spend some girl time with her for a while now. We just hung out, took pictures, and then went to dinner afterwards. It was a great kickoff to the last 2 weeks of school. Honestly, I couldn't have asked for a better first year roommate, and I'm pretty sad that we can't live together again next year. I'm glad that we live so close to each other so there will be opportunities to hang out in the future.

Another new facet for next year, besides the new classes, living situation, and sophomore status, is going to be leading a Core. I've been invited to help facilitate a women's small group for Chi Alpha next year, which is exciting and a little bit intimidating. I know that this is the next logical step for me, but it's just weird to actually be taking it.

What else is goin' on? Hm... well, I have started packing stuff for summer. Mostly just things like books and DVDs, dress clothes, scarves, random things like that. But one box and bag at a time, it's getting gathered up. I'm definitely excited for summer, even though I'm sad to see this year be over. I'm hopefully getting a job, in fact, I have an interview set up the Saturday I get back. But I mailed out probably close to 15 applications, so something's got to come through, right? Aside from seeing friends and family, and taking some chill time, I will also be taking the final level of calculus at LCC during the second half of the summer to get those credits out of the way. Gonna be a crazy last month or so of break, but I'm excited to be being proactive about it. Plus, going 4 months without math is a long time when it's the level that I'm working with right now. 6 weeks is a much more manageable break.

Speaking of math, that's my first final next week. I'd better get back to reviewing some indefinite integrals.... :)

*Price Tag, Jessie J

1 comment:

  1. That is exciting that you'll be leading a small group! It is a lot of work but very rewarding.
    Fun to read this update from you!
