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"With what we have... I promise you that... we're marching on ..."

For those doubts that swirl all around us,For those lives that tear at the seams,We know,We're not what we've seen,
For this dance we'll move with each other.There ain't no other step than one foot,Right in front of the other----------------------------

Hey blogosphere! Long time no see!
And yeah, it really has been awhile since I've written. The life of a college "sophomore" I guess...just going nonstop. The last month has just flown by -- I still can hardly believe it's already mid October. I loved college last year, but it definitely improves once you get past the freshman awkwardness. College when you know what you're doing is waaay better. Haha.

Definitely settled into a good rhythm, balancing school, fun, and Core leading. Classes are all awesome this semester, I actually want to know what we're learning about, which makes studying and homework so much more fun! It's encouraging, feeling like I am still on the right path. Even my honors class about evolutionary biology has been a great experience. I was blessed with an amazing professor who knows how to keep from stepping on the toes of Christians too much. Granted, there have been challenges I've had to rectify in my spirit, but I went in expecting that. And our exams are in a group format, so I don't feel the pressure to write about what I don't agree with. Apparently the post-exam evaluations from my group were really good though - I talked to my prof after class today and she told me that I got really great reviews from my group members, which was encouraging. :)

On the social front, it's been good. I've seen a pretty specific shift in friend circles from last year, both people who are at home and people here. But I'm also okay with it. I've learned a lot about relationships and I've started to become more comfortable with making new friends and being the initiator in those situations. Crazy, huh? But I like this new side of me. I'm less "clingy", I feel like. Not only do I know how to make new friends, and how to maintain a purposeful relationship, I've become more comfortable leaving people in God's hands. If they don't want to be my friend, it's less of a personal offense. Idk, stuff like this is hard to explain in writing. *shrug* Doing great with my roomie. It takes a month or so to get things figured out, but we've hit a really great stride and I like the environment it's become.

I feel that the older I get, the more aware I am of how far I have to go in maturity. That's something that God has really been teaching me over the last few months. I think of myself too highly, and I think that I know what God's timing is. As we learned at XA Fall Camp, sometimes we have a microwave mentality when it comes to God's timing and our prayers/desires. In reality, we need to have a farming mentality; it's a process that requires patience and every step is important. There are things that I really want, and I've been learning that I won't get them until they're no longer priorities in my thought life. I have to be oriented towards the Father's heart first, and then eventually, He'll bring me what I need without my even realizing it. But I've got a-ways to go before Jesus is the only thing on my mind. I'm trying, I am. But my humanity can be such a roadblock sometimes!
Baby pumpkins! :)

I'm pretty tired tonight, so I guess that's all the updating that will come for right now. Keepin' it short and sweet. Haha. :) Fall's starting to come to Pullman, all the leaves are turning. It's gorgeous, though I don't really relish the idea of 30 degree temperatures and snow being right around the corner.

I don't know why the song for tonight's post is stuck in my head, but it is. And for some reason, the sentiments just resonate with me. Keep marching on... through everything that happens... through good and bad... using everything we're given ... and just keep marching on.

*Marching On, One Republic

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