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"More than a love song can give....more than a feeling like this..."

Seeing as it's been almost 3 weeks since my last post, I figured it's time for another update goin' on.   =)

Midterms are over, thank goodness! Still waiting to hear how my math test went, but I felt pretty good about it, so I really hope it was a justified feeling. In my english class, we're having to design an experiment or something to do our own research on. It's a little scary, not gonna lie. Basically, we're writing the information that we're writing the paper on.

This week marks the end of the 5th week of classes, which means there is only one more month until spring break. How does time go so crazy fast?? I was having a rough stretch about a week ago - just wanting to be done with school and go home. But at the same time, I've been learning how to deal with transitions. Every time I start to feel lonely, or jealous of the people who get to go home every weekend, then something cool just happens. I'll have a really good night with people and realize, without really knowing it, I have made friends. Ones that I really enjoy being with. It's still a different dynamic  than past friendships, but I'm excited to spend the next few years here and see where things go.

I've been doing really well with my New Year's Resolution - the cliche "get in shape" one, actually. But I'm trying to stay motivated, and I'm going to the rec every weekend, taking a dance class twice a week, and doing an ab workout almost every night. And this last week I've started working on some new eating habits. As hard as it has been, I definitely feel much better. Still a ways to go yet, however.

And what else.... hmm...

I guess there's that little piece of me that's really wanting next week to be over. I love weekends, and next week is a 3 day weekend! Yay, President's Day!  =)  Plus, Alma and I are hopefully re-arranging our room, which it definitely needs. We need a little spice in our lives. Haha. But to get to that weekend, there is still Valentine's Day. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not gonna be one of those girls who sits alone in bed with ice cream watching The Notebook. Quite the opposite - I have lots going on that day. And I'm not "really" looking for anyone at this point anyhow.  I worked through that whole "woe is me" phase not that long ago, and have reached contentment about spending another <3 Day celebrating Singles Awareness Day. There's just always a few moments that are hard, because I'm human. I just have to keep prayin' my way through them and trusting on God's timing. Wow. That could be another blog all in itself if I keep going down this track.

It's almost time to start looking for summer jobs and all kinds of great stuff like that. I'm not loving the thought of working full time this summer, but I know I really need to. I need the money, and the work experience. I just hope that I can find one. There's the real trick. I have to get SOMEthing, so if anyone knows of openings in Cowlitz County, PLEASE let me know. LOL. But summer also brings lots of other fun stuff, and friend time, and sunshine, and good food.... mmmm. Bring it on.

I guess this is really the extent of what I have to say at this point.
Until next time

*More Than A Love Song, Augustana

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