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"They say that miracles are never ceasing....and every single soul needs a little releasing..."

And here I go again! Been in Pullman for 5 days now, and there's a bunch of stuff to update about. Moved in on Monday night slash Tuesday into Scott Hall #308. I love my room! It's working out really well for me so far, granted my roommate gets here tomorrow so we might have to re-organize depending on what kind of stuff she has. I've been doing what I can to meet the neighbors, however, there are a lot of them who have been busy with rush all week long. Our first floor meeting is tomorrow night, so I guess that will be a good place to at least put names with faces of the rest. I'm also really lucky, because not only do Brianna and I share a corner room (about a foot wider than a normal room) but we are one of about 4 double rooms that did not get turned into a triple. I came into the year trying to be mentally prepared for a third roommate, and I would have rolled with whatever, but I'm so happy we don't have a third. My mental sanity really needs to have space, and a place to go and recharge with all that's on my plate this semester, and I think a third person would have diminished the possibility of that.

I spent Monday and Tuesday with the Chi Alpha leadership team for this coming year. Week of Welcome and freshman outreach stuff, vision casting for the semester, setting goals...all that fun stuff. Not gonna lie, I was so tired by last night! I'm learning more and more how to come across as an extroverted person, and my INFJ personality type does naturally love and value interaction with people. But the other side of that is the guarded side...the part of me that needs to be alone once in awhile to recharge. And it was a stretch to really initiate conversations and activities with people. Our first small group is going to be one of those nights too, I think. I'm really bad at being the "party person". I like other people to plan, then I just show up. That's not gonna happen this year -- something that I will really try and be okay with. Thankfully, I have two amazing partners to lead with me, and they are both more outgoing than I am.

Gettin some vitamin D and working my free U-Rec sunglasses 
I keep hearing awesome things from various people about the call to revival that is on our campus this year. And I believe it -- there is definitely a peaking of spiritual interest and openness. I don't want to waste the opportunities that I know are coming. I know I need to start searching for a place outside the "spiritual ghetto" to get involved. That is my next task for the first few weeks of school.

Not a ton else to say....but I felt like I owed the blog world an update. ;)
For now...

*Sound of Sunshine, Michael Franti & Spearhead

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you updated! It's good to hear about real college life adventures. I hope you have a great school year & I pray that God totally moves in the lives of the people in your small group. Small groups are totally where life change happens.
