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"But when you smile at the ground, it ain't hard to tell...You don't know...You don't know you're beautiful"

Yep! It's me again, guys. Time for an update on life, and since I'm procrastinating getting any 'real' work done this evening, it's the perfect opportunity!
Definitely had a test like this
a few weeks ago....

Man, where do I even start? There's just so much swirling through my brain lately, and so I will do my best to spit out some organized thoughts. Let's just start with the usual. School. Only 13 days of the semester left! Where did this year go? I have no idea! I'm 20, and have been out of high school for nearly 2 years. It doesn't feel possible, but at the same time, 2 years ago feels so far away, it must have been at 'least' that long. I was going through some old pictures tonight, and memories just come flooding back! It's true that a picture really is worth 1000 words. All of the stories of those days are still there as soon as I see the photo. Makes me remember that i need to keep taking pictures while I'm here at WSU. Soon, I'm sure, these days will also feel very distant.

Classes are going well, but I'm just about burnt out. It's that point where my brain is saying, "It doesn't matter what score you get, it will all be over soon!" Which is a lie....I do need to still focus on my grades, and study. For some reason, April just gets busier and busier though! I feel so overwhelmed with my responsibilities outside of classes, that simply getting my required homework done is a major achievement. I will survive. And summer will get here, Lord willing.
Me, Herman Boone (Remember the Titans),
and Grace.  :D  Loved getting to hear
this guy speak. 

But something I'm beginning to realize more and more, is how much God has blessed me with amazing people in my life here. Seriously, I can't imagine not knowing these guys and girls! And a mere 24 months ago, I had no clue that they even existed. No concept of what awesome friends were waiting for me! It's so much fun, because as I mature and grow in my faith and in my confidence of who I am, it's getting easier and easier to "make" friends. I honestly wasn't sure if I could do it, but I can! Epic win! To any of you who read this, thank you for being willing to let me into your life. Thank you for showing me what deep friendships can be - and that they can exist with people that I haven't known for 15 years!

Front of Honors Hall -
my home next semester!
Next semester looks a little bit lighter school-wise. I'm forcing myself to take less credits. Yes, you read that correctly. Forcing to take LESS. I just don't want to kill myself with overcommitments. I'm a chronic "yes-man" when it comes to doing things, and I love to think I can be superwoman - friend, leader, full time student, volunteer, dutiful granddaughter, roommate, outreach coordinator...insert other title here. But let's be real. I can't do it all if I want to do it well. And in my discussions with God, I have been challenged to learn how to rest, and find his presence in those times. Next year, I'm only taking 5 classes, one of which is band. I'm still going to lead a small group, and I think I need to either join a non-Christian club or work part time, but that should feel a lot easier to manage with only 14 credits. Living in Honors will give me some chances to be domestic and make new and (hopefully) intentional missional friendships with the girls in my & Brianna's suite. I'm so stoked!  :)

As far as summer goes, I have been applying for jobs like nobody's business. Seriously. I've sent out at least 15 applications in the last 3 weeks, with cold calls to another 5 or so places outside of those. Macy's wants me to interview again, so I think I can definitely get back on there, but I need more hours than last summer. So I'm preparing for the possibility of working 2 part-time jobs to make a bunch of $$ over the summer. Life is just expensive! And I've overspent a little this semester, with XA stuff and preparing for Haiti especially. If I can work 40 or more hours a week, I'm pretty okay with that. I won't be taking any LCC classes, so the time should be there.

Such beautiful faces!
Praying for God to truly use and grow
me while our team is there.
Only 2.5 weeks until the Haiti trip!! God has been so faithful in bringing in all of the funds that I need and then some. It's a testimony and an answer to prayer all in one. Our team is fantastic, and we have a great sense of camaraderie! Really looking forward to getting there, working with the kids, and hopefully using my French skills to build connections with the people. What is strange? I'm almost expecting God to call me to something while we are there. I just have this sense of anticipation about my future surrounding this trip to Haiti. And it might not be a call to Haiti or anything, but I just have a feeling. Should be interesting to see. I don't know if I'll blog or not again before departure, but I will have a blog or two for sure after returning. Hopefully a TON of pictures as well!

Okay, I should really sign off for tonight. The lyrics titling today's post just make me happy. Nothing related to the subject of the entry, but I love the song.

*What Makes You Beautiful, One Direction

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