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" I'm trying to fathom all that You are, but so far, Lord, You're so beyond me..."

Seriously, truly, I live one of the most awesome lives that I could ever imagine living. I don't know why  I ever feel dissatisfied or lacking, because I'm not! I'm 100%, completely, incredibly, eternally blessed. So, in the spirit of November, and Thanksgiving, this blog entry is just going to be me...being thankful.

I'm so happy to have the chance to go to a major university, to explore my academic passions and dreams, and to grow my worldview and my knowledge about so many different subjects. I'm thankful for the professors who teach, the fellow students who spur questions and discussion, and for those who are helping me to live there.

I'm thankful for a supportive and fabulous family. For my parents who become more amazing every year, for my little brother and oldest friend who is developing into a man of God, for my grandparents, aunt, uncle, cousins, and "adopted" family members that love me and put up with me.

I am so thankful for old friends - the kind that have stuck with me through the crazy fashion phases, the times when I was mean, confusing, sad, hard to deal with, the junior high drama, and still love me and want to share life with me. I'm so happy that no matter what, we can still pick up where we left off after months apart from miles away.

Related, I am daily praising God for my new friends. The people who have chosen to be my friend, to open up to me and be trustworthy enough for me to open up to them. Those who were around for the emotional and maturity roller coaster of freshman year, and those who have joined my heart since. They have added so much blessing and joy to my life, and I continue to learn and grow from their example.

Also, I am thankful for my job. The wide-open door couldn't have come at a better time. I'm thrilled to be working and making money, yes, but also to have a job that I look forward to going to. The cool co-workers are an added bonus. ;)

I'm thankful for leaders and mentors. I couldn't have ever forseen how valuable they would be to my life and my growth, but seriously...without their willingness to invest in me, I would not be in the place that I am today. I've had the most amazing role models, and I can only pray that someday, someone finds me as instrumental as I have found them.

I'm so thankful for health - mental, physical, and emotional. I don't know how I got so lucky to be virtually problem-free, when so many others in this world are not.

I'm thankful for the gift of language, and I'm thankful that God allows me to communicate with people in and from other countries every day! This especially goes for my French-speaking friends in Haiti. Reading those letters last week was the best thing EVER.

God is so good. So good. The fact that I can be driving across the state, afraid of potential snow on the road ahead, and just tell Him that I'm scared....only to get to the pass and find the roads bare and dry surrounded by some of the most beautiful scenery ever? That's a God thing.  So is the fact that I didn't want anything to do with Him, but He died for me anyway. And now, even as I learn (and stumble constantly) to seek and desire His will, and to hear His voice, He's still so infinitely patient and loving....and blesses and affirms me at every turn! The Holy Spirit and my brothers and sisters in Christ alone...more than I ever could ask.

*All I Need, Shawn McDonald

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