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"No other name that's higher... No other name that's stronger..."

New hair color
Here we are, spring semester 2013. I sometimes have a hard time grasping the fact that I've been in college for 5 semesters already. It feels like it has just flown by, one awesome adventure rolling right into the other. The only significant pauses come from summer breaks, when I'm home long enough to realize the fact that I'm home. I love the blessing of being able to attend a university like this one. It's one of the most amazing times of my life, for sure. I'm so happy when I'm here. Even in the stressful days, it's a place I never want to leave. Don't get me wrong. I love being with my family and spending time with friends from Longview. It's wonderful to be together, and to laugh together, and understand each other's references. But I don't have purpose there anymore. I feel like a floater, just waiting for the next wave. Anything I do is frivolous or self-gratifying. My time in Pullman isn't like that as much. It's focused and intentional - both academically and socially.
Family picture time!
Before I get too much into the semester so far, I'll summarize my break, I guess.

Courtney, Brianna, Liliana & I
at the Stover wedding
The first week of break was both great and suck-ish. Great because I was done with finals, I got to sleep in my own bed, spend time with my family (including my brother - who continues to become more and more a great friend as we get older), and hang out with a lot of people from my graduating class. It was restful and it was great to catch up with them. :) The hard part started mid week...when I had to deal with the changing form of a friendship. Frankly, I've never had that happen before. Past friends and I have drifted away slowly, mutually, and for the simple reason that we never saw/talked to each other. This time it wasn't slow, and I didn't want to accept it. It was the right decision, but that doesn't mean that it wasn't one of the most painful things I've had to deal with this year. I've realized how much I needed God in those times. Throughout the rest of Christmas break, and still today, I'm healing. It's not an easy process....but it is one that I need to walk through.
Sibling picture at the gum wall  :) 
Christmas itself, I spent without the rest of the family. Mom, Dad & Brady went to visit N&B. But since I wanted to go to Weston & Allison's wedding, and also had to leave for the World Missions Summit, it was just easier for me to stay for a few days. I live over here, so the grandparents see me frequently enough. On Christmas Eve, I went to church, and then spent the evening with our new pastor and his family. It was a lot of fun, because I haven't had much of a chance to get to know them. After that day, I had a much better sense of who they were and who their kids were.  Christmas Day, I was with my Kelso side of the family - dinner with the other Backstroms. Our family ended up having our "Christmas" celebration on New Year's Day. So it was a strange holiday, but still a holiday.
Delicious Cmas day dinner!

Family pic at the
original Starbucks
My final week of break was spent at home. I got to see Heidi twice, which was awesome. Brady had a "friend not girlfriend" come visit for a few days, and so we showed her around Washington a little bit.

After all of that, I'm happy to be back in Honors Hall. I had some great times this past week reuniting with my XAi friends. They're such a joy to be around. I'm excited for what this semester holds for that group, and for what God is going to teach Weston, Jake, and I through the process. My classes are going to be hard, for sure. Lots of work and studying and research projects. And honestly, I don't know how I can fit it all in along with sleep, social life, work, XA, and personal down times. Just trusting that it's all in His control, and that will be enough for me. One day at a time.

*No Other Name, Freddy Rodriguez

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