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"But if you try'll find... you get what you need."

   It's been  a pretty good week this week. Granted, I haven't gotten any results back yet from the chemistry quiz that I know I failed. Thank goodness we get to drop our 2 lowest scores from the semester. But aside from that, I really wrapped my brain around the math concepts, and I've had lunch/coffee with someone 3 days this week. Not so easy on my cash flow, but totally worth it. :) I'm definitely starting to get into a routine, which is good. This week was homecoming week, so there were tons of people here and lots of events going on. I didn't catch too many due to other commitments but I did go to the bonfire Friday night and the game on Saturday. Both really fun. I've discovered how much I love sporting events. Haha. There's just something very "school-spirity" about them. Not that I know ANY thing about football, but it's still cool. I'm super excited for basketball season - a: because we're actually pretty decent, and b: because I will be able to know what's going on due to my dedication last year as TRCS team photographer! Ahh...I will miss watching the Eagles, though. It's fun here because there's always a massive crowd. It was fun there because a: proportionally, it was a massive crowd, and b: because I knew everyone on the team. Luckily, the season overlaps C-mas break, so *crosses fingers* I'll get to see a game or two anyhow. Not so with volleyball. *glare* I still say.... WEBCAM! Somebody install one in the gym, please??
   I don't really have any deep insight to share.... next weekend is Dad's Weekend so there'll be a lot of stuff going on which should be cool. However, that DOES mean that I have to get ahead on my homework so I can justify having time to just waste away. Oh well....I don't mind.
   Cleaned tonight, because it was TIME. :) Washed the mirrors and dusted all the flat surfaces. Oh - and did the dishes. So now everything is ready to go. We still really need to vacuum in here, but lugging the vacuum up from the main floor is a pain, because it's loud and very heavy.
    As of Friday, I've reached the "halfway" point to Thanksgiving. Only a few more weeks to go! I'm excited to see everyone again - though it'll probably be a little weird to some extent. Like, we all have so many new stories to tell, it will take forever to get caught up on everyone's life. Hopefully the time will pass slowly and I'll be able to savor it and not feel rushed through stuff.
*You Can't Always Get What You Want - Glee Cast version

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