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"Time keeps on slippin'...into the future..."

I've got a lot of "serious" stuff that I feel will become a blog entry later this week. But I've been wanting to post something random and fun instead - little quirks/things that I've noticed since being here.

1) Since 2nd grade, I've been able to hear Mrs Herren's voice in my head saying , "Second graders, stay to your right..." as we walked past another group of people, thereby drilling into my head the fact that when you're heading towards somebody, each person veers to their right. However, here on campus, about 75% of people that I am walking towards choose to veer left. They go in the left side of the doors, left of the sidewalk....creating that awkward dance when you're trying to figure out who is going to surrender their side or not.  It's just...strange. :)p

2) Fitness is a major focus of this campus (I don't know about other schools). Everyone is always talking about going to the rec, going for a run, the calorie information is posted EVERYwhere for the food places, and there's a big "eat healthy" focus in the cafeterias. However, it's also more expensive to eat healthy, and there are constantly junk food options being offered. Maybe it's just because it's the beginning of the year, or because I haven't really paid attention, but there are also not very many "large" people walking around. Everyone is skinny to average, thereby making average people like myself feel "larger". Lol.

3) It doesn't matter what you've been asked to do or go to, or who is asking you. If you say "I can't, I have to study/have homework," no further questions are asked. If you say "I can't, sorry," the next question is "Why, what else is going on?"

4) They always say that college is the time to try anything you want. It's really true. If I want to do ANYthing, any activity, any club, I can. And there's very few people who will give it a second thought when you say that you're joining/trying it.

5) Yes, getting "off campus" is that big of a deal. I get really, really excited when I run out of milk and have to make a 30 minute errand to Safeway. And I'll stand in the entry way for a few moments just breathing in the taste of civilization. It's not that we're lacking for entertainment, or food, or places to chill  while we're in college. It's just that feeling that you're always "at work". The campus may be hundreds of acres, but by the middle of the week, it feels very, very small. And after walking all day every day, sitting in a moving vehicle is rather exhilarating.  :)

6) Everyone from western Washington complains about the rain. Everyone who is from western WA and comes here is super happy to see the sunshine every day. And then once it starts to rain (which has been three times since August, btw), all of my western WA friends' facebook statuses turn to being really excited to see rain. Mine included. :)p

7) Time is a very weird thing. Days and hours tick by slow, and you look at the calendar and say "Oh my gosh, it's only Monday..." and then you wake up on Saturday and say "Wow...that week just flew!".
Ie: At this moment, 46 days sounds like a really long time. However, I pause and say, "Wasn't it just labor day weekend?" and realize that a month goes by a lot faster than you expect sometimes.

*Fly Like an Eagle, Steve Miller

1 comment:

  1. Loving the blog, funny though, never had you down as the blogging type.
