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"Three in the morning, and I'm still I picked up a pen and a page..."

     "I started writing, just what I'd say, if we were face to face.
     I'd tell you just what you mean to me, tell you these simple truths:
Be strong in the Lord, and never give up hope. 
You're gonna do great things, I already know.
God's got his hand on you, so, don't live life in fear.
Forgive and forget but don't forget why you're here.
Take your time, and pray.
These are the words I would say."

     Let me just begin this post by saying that I don't know of very many times in my life when I would describe myself as passionate. I don't know of a lot of instances where I've had this kind of constant flame fueling my thoughts and feelings. Not in a romantic way, but in the way that life in itself just has such...pizzaz! Even on my down days, I've noticed a newly grown passion still seeping out of me.  And today, this passion has been targeted towards a group of people very close to my heart -- my classmates. (Note, when I say that, I don't mean the people I have class with. I mean the class of 2010.)
    This week has been crazy for so many people. I watch facebook, I text, I skype.... yeah, I'm pretty much doing everything I can to stay in touch with people's lives. There's stuff happening that I wish I was there to see and to experience, I wish I was there to encourage in person, but I can't be. And I don't know of a "non-creepy" way to explain how much I want to be without coming across as clingy. But I just love you guys. I get so excited for you when good stuff is happening, and I hurt for you when I know you are hurting. This kind of passion has to spill over somewhere. So I just want you guys to's been spilling over where it counts - prayer. I'll think of somebody during the day, and start to pray for them and their situation, and then another person comes to mind, and another. This has just led to me going through the list (I go in order of how we sat in Bible last year so I don't forget anyone), and I pray for each of you by name. Specific things that God's put on my heart to pray for  you.
     Take tonight for example. I was at Chi Alpha, and it was an awesome time of worship. Everyone was praying for one another, and I just sat down and thought about how much I hoped that everyone was getting as plugged in to a community as I have been. And I started praying, and the words just wouldn't stop! I wished that the songs would have gone on longer, because I could've sat there and prayed for you all even longer.  Just know that I'm not going to stop. No matter how distant we become, you're my family, and I love you. And I so want you to experience the richness of life as I am.
   On that note, I'd like to just encourage you again, get involved in a church, guys. It's been the best way for God to stretch me - coming to this place, out of my comfort zone, completely removed from the familiar, I've been able to grow so much. I know that I'm different. I know more about myself than I have before, and I realize how much my fears and my "routine" were holding me back from being as open as I should have been.  Is it hard to make yourself want to get plugged in somewhere new? Yes. Is it awkward at first, sharing your deepest spiritual issues with strangers? Yes. But is it also enlightening, eye-opening, life-changing, and healthy? Yes. So just do it! I promise you, you won't regret it. I can't even begin to explain how cool it is to notice that the phrase "the joy of the Lord is your strength" has gone farther than being a simple catchphrase. It's so true! I've always been a positive person, but I'm filled with joy now that really, I can't explain. I just want to dance and sing every day, because God is just that good!
   My friends... I miss you guys a lot. But I know that Thanksgiving is only 5 weeks away, and I can't wait to just talk to you about life, and enjoy time together. Know that I'll be praying for you every step of the way, and that there's so much more out there for you if you only seek it.  :)

*The Words I Would Say, Sidewalk Prophets

1 comment:

  1. I miss you...and I wish you were here right now. If I could miss more school to drive over and sit with you a while, I'd do it in a heart beat.
