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"A thrill of hope... the weary world rejoices! For yonder breaks... a new and glorious morn!"

Here we are! It's december!  :)
As is evident by this faabulous picture of the decorations in our window, our room is starting to look very festive. We've got icicle lights, snowflakes, a "stem" of a tree, and even some stockings! Everything is just so much home-y-er with all the decorations up. Cranking up the Christmas music from my newly created Pandora station! Gotta love it!

I'm trying to think of even what has gone on worth blogging about. Hmm.... it's almost finals week, and I'm surprisingly not that stressed. I've always treated finals, at least at LCC, as just another test. If I get in the "this makes or breaks my grade" mode, then my brain just gives up and goes into overload. So this weekend, I've just been trying to keep a "work/play" balance, like I normally would. I'm sure next weekend will be a little different, but ya know. :P

I've got to come up with some Christmas gift ideas for people! It's hard for me, since I usually struggle with creativity for the friends I know WELL. Let alone the ones that I've just started getting to know. Add in a college student's budget, and ... let's just say it's going to be interesting to see how it turns out. I'm home in like... 10 days! Wow!

It's so weird to get readjusted for such a short time. Because, really, I'm back into the "I like college" mood now. And I know that as soon as I'm home, I'll be in the "Yay, I'm home" mood. So confusing!! But it's good. It is. I'm constantly reminded why this was the right thing for me - just breaking out and starting new. I'm tired, but I'm so ... joyful.

Today, I walked to the Daily Grind to do my math homework, because I was just so unproductive sitting in my room. It's only a little over a half mile, and it was a great walk. After hanging out there for a few hours, I started the walk back, only to get distracted by my new favorite Pullman treasure - Bruised Books. :D It's such a cute used bookstore!! It's not really organized, books are kind of everywhere, but it's grouped by genre, which is enough for me to stay sane. And everything is a minimum of 50% off the cover price! I was such a happy person! Lol. So, explored there for a little while before coming back.

I guess that's all for tonight. :) I've just been so blessed this weekend. It's really been awesome.

*Oh Holy Night, traditional

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