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"And I play songs back to back until I go to bed..."

I'm not really sure where this post is going to go... I just feel that it's important to keep a regular schedule if I'm going to be an official part of the blog-o-sphere. Haha....

This has been such a stressful week! My first round of midterms began on Thursday, and I have another two tests next week. It's just so much homework, busy work, places to go, things to do.... I mean, I'm good at juggling a lot of commitments. But I'm also used to feeling like if I drop one, it's possible to pick it back up and keep going at the same pace. Not here. If I drop one, it starts this giant downward spiral of falling behind in classes. I feel like every hour has extreme significance, and it can't go to waste without good reason. If I'm in my room for more than 15 or 20 minutes, and I haven't started something "productive", I feel guilty. Granted, I try and keep it reasonable. If I've gotten enough done on my daily to-do list, I will justify spending some time on hulu, or hanging out with people, or whatever. But it's hard to let up on this pace at all, because once I start relaxing, it's really hard to get myself back into gear.

To any of you still in high school - be happy for the classes that give you lots of homework. The ones that have papers due, tests on the same week as other assignments, etc. Because that is SO the real world. Example: for my chemistry class, we have weekly online homework (20+ problems, and they're not "quick" ones), lectures MWF, weekly quizzes over the lecture material, a pre-lab due before our 3 hour lab time, and then a TON of calculations, post-lab questions, and a discussion over what the importance of it was, all due by the beginning of the next lab. So, add studying for a midterm on top of that, and you have my week. That's one class. Time management is so vital! I've never been more glad to have taken some "hard" classes through LCC. At least I had a clue of what I was getting into, and got the experience of this much homework at such a fast moving pace. I honestly don't know if I would survive without that experience. Not that I'm saying to ditch high school! Please, please, enjoy as much of your high school experience as you can. But if you get a chance to take one or two college classes before college actually comes - DO IT. Just enough to get your "feet wet".

So yeah, it has been a stressful week. And next week is looking just about as bad, but I've had such an awesome weekend. Friday I was able to have a slow afternoon, doing homework, watched some TV, spent the evening flopped on the floor. But it was really productive! And a good day, too. I felt really confident in my chemistry quiz, and I actually understood the calculus lecture! It's the little things in life, okay? Today I got to sleep in! Yay! And do laundry, vacuum, etc. for a very slow morning. Plus, I've finished a lot more of the chemistry stuff I have left, and worked on a bunch of math. Then tonight I walked down to my friend Aimee's house (she shares it with a bunch of roomies) and we had a movie night! I've missed sitting on a couch...with popcorn...just not worried about all the stuff I have to do. :) Plus, it's Saturday night. In Pullman. Therefore, everyone is out of the dorm and off doing whatever. Haha, except me! Nights are me time! Playlists, books, the random homework I decide to do....

And tomorrow is still an entire day! I'm feeling much more confident about being able to survive next week. My family is coming over Thursday night to stay the weekend, which is why it's so important to me to be a little bit ahead of schedule as far as the homework goes. I don't want to feel that looming over my head when I just want to have fun with them and not worry about school.

Well, that's really about all I have. It's 11:45pm, and I might just get ready for bed, review some flashcards, and get a full 8 or 9 hours in tonight! We'll see.... :D

*Melody - Kate Earl

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