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"...God's got his hand on you, so don't live life in fear..."

   Well, I've never tried this blog thing before. But one of the things I read in a "what to do in college" book somewhere was start a blog. And I guess in four years, it would be pretty cool to be able to look back and see what went on at every stage in this experience. Hopefully, I'll be good about it, and remember to post at least once every week or two. We'll see how long it lasts, but I'm gonna try. Plus, I'm always the kind of person who enjoys seeing my thoughts in print. It's a good way to process.
   Anyhow, I'm officially a freshman in college! Tuesday marks my one month anniversary of being in Pullman. That's so crazy to say! I've never been away from home longer than a week until now. There's so much that's gone on that I can't wait to rant/blog about... although it's pretty late to get it all out now. Where to even begin!
  I'll just start in the present, and then slowly make my way backward through the last few weeks as the opportunity arises. I had a great Friday today - after having a minor meltdown on Thursday, it was nice to get control of my roller-coaster emotions again. (That's another thing! I'm not an emotional person. I'm usually very controlled, level-headed, and rational about it. I don't like drama, I don't like blowing things out of proportion. But I've been such an emotional unpredictability lately, it's driving me up a wall.) Anyhow, today was good. I was productive, and yet still social. :) It was fun to have a low-key night with some ice cream, Gilmore Girls, and a new friend. Still weird, because I've never really been required to make friends - but I think I'm getting the hang of it okay. I do miss that community a lot though, of having people around who know you completely. It's hard to be stupid or random here, because you never know what someone's going to think, since they haven't grown up with you and know that really, deep down, you are sane.  :D
     Tomorrow is the first home football game. It's crazy how big of a deal people are making it! I guess that's partially due to the fact that it's college, and it's "Family Weekend", and it's one of the few games that WSU is predicted to win this year. Lol. But I mean, when the entire marching band is outside of one of the frat parties playing "Pharoah, Pharoah" at 11pm, you know people are gonna show up in spirit. There's actually rumor that they go around campus at 6am on football Saturdays - we'll see if that bodes true or not. But I'm goin' - in my WSU t-shirt and jeans! Heck yes!
    What else is new as of today? Nothing that won't take an entire blog entry to explain, I don't think. I'll have to leave the update on my classes and everything for another day. It's gettin' a little late, and I still want to finish up a few more calculus problems before tomorrow so I won't have to think about them. So excited to sleep in!
     Oh - and I'm going to title each entry in this blog with song lyrics, I've decided. (Hence the URL including "replay". Song title, and also, kind of what a blog is. A way to replay your life!) This entry is titled after "The Words I Would Say" by Sidewalk Prophets.
     Until the next time, everyone! Looking forward to more of this journey!

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