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"I'm goin the place where I belong..." (Written 11/19)

Alright. I’m pretty much sitting in the back of an airplane right now. And when I say the back, I mean the VERY back. Like…almost falling out of the tail. Lol. It’s 12:08 pm on November the 19th. Also known as – Go Home Day! :D  I finished packing last night, and all Alma and I had to do this morning was just get dressed and head down to the car, pretty  much. Stopped at Starbucks for a fabulous Caramel Brulee Latte and a muffin, and then drove to Colfax to drop off my car before the ride to the airport.
It’s so weird to think that we’re going home. Like….it’s not a bad thing at all, because I’m excited. But as my roomie so wisely put it, “It’s like leaving home … to go home.” I’ve gotten used to thinking of our dorm room as home, which it kind of is because all of my life the last 3 months has revolved around Pullman. Last night I was done with all my school stuff by nine, and it was weird! Just sitting there packing and realizing that I don’t have anything I HAVE to do for over a week? The concept is foreign, seeing as every hour, every spare minute, in college can be used for something either social or school related. Time moves soo fast, and yet so slow. But life in general is a breakneck pace, always moving, always progressing. I don’t really know if I can switch my brain over into “chill” mode this week or not. And even if I could, I don’t think it’s such a good idea, seeing as I have to fly back and kick into intense study mode very soon anyhow. I know that people are going to comment on how “busy” I am… and it’s not even intentional anymore. But if my days aren’t filled with things to achieve or get done, I feel lazy! I can’t even help it! It’s also going to be interesting trying to adjust back to sharing an entire house with people, and like, having to explain where I’m going and when I’ll be back. Alma and I are pretty good about keeping each other updated on what’s going on in our days, but it’s not like we tell one another we “can’t” do something. It’s just more of a safety issue.  We were talking this morning, and both kind of thought, “Hmm, it’s going to be weird not sharing a room for nine days!” I’ve never shared a room before this year, and I thought I’d hate it. But I really don’t. We each have our own space, and it’s great to know that somebody’s going to notice if you’re gone or if you need to talk.  Plus, she’s just awesome. J  We’re really getting along great, and I’m already feeling a little sad about the fact that our year together is almost halfway over.  Crazy stuff man!
I guess that was kind of a digression, but one that I haven’t really addressed yet, so it was time.  We’re crossing the Cascade mountains now! Supposed to be arriving a little bit early into Portland, and then I’ll pick up my (giant) suitcase from the baggage claim and go find my mom. J  I don’t know if I’ll even get a chance to eat my airline peanuts or not. Haha.
Gosh, I’m going to be home in like…2 hours! I’m still going back and forth from super excited to almost nervous, just because I’m not sure what to expect. I’ve never done this before! Well, “all electronic devices need to be stowed”.
See you on the west side!

*Home, Daughtry

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