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"Millions of peaches...peaches for me.... "

IT'S NOVEMBER!!!!!!!!!! (yes, that's a lot of exclamation points :D ) It really doesn't feel like November though. I mean, it's still 50+ degrees and sunny, and today I didn't even need a jacket walking back from class. I'm not complaining one bit. I know that the snow will hit soon enough, because everyone keeps saying how cold of a winter this is supposed to be. Plus, I also know that in Longview, it'd be wet AND cold. So bonus points for college! Lol. It's also really weird to think that there are really only 4 more weeks of classes between now and the end of the semester. Have I seriously been here that long?? Time sure flies, and yet creeps by. Crazy stuff man.... but it's good. It's very good.

I figured it was time to dedicate a blog to a more "practical" side of college life. So, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, this focuses on... that's right... food. Ahh, campus dining.... :P
Now, I'm not being critical. Northside (the dining center that receives 85% of my business) is excellent. There's always a wide selection, both of things you can count on always being there, and things that change daily. It's good food, and generally pretty healthy. But after 10 weeks of eating there, I've officially hit the "sick of dorm food" point. It was bound to happen eventually, I suppose. This week I've "cooked" more than I have since being here, and so between using a kitchen and several trips to the grocery store... let's just say that the fruit and veggies from a can are not looking quite as tasty anymore. I participated in a "focus group" for Freshens, our on-campus smoothie shop, yesterday, and we spent about an hour and a half talking about campus dining. And seriously, one girl mentioned peaches, and my mouth just started watering. We have peaches here, but they're the "covered in sugary syrup" kind that you get at a salad bar. No, I'm thinking fresh, just boiled and skinned, served warm over vanilla ice cream peaches. Wow.... how amazing do THOSE sound? Same with vegetables. I've been pretty much ruined to "out of a bag" veggies, seeing as we very rarely eat them at home, with the exception of peas. But you can taste the difference - produce section cook it yourself corn, carrots, and beans versus the frozen or canned stuff. Idk man....once you've eaten them fresh once it's pretty hard to go back. Which is one of the reasons that I am so ready for Thanksgiving!
 Even when I was eating at home all the time, Thanksgiving is better than Christmas in my opinion as far as the food goes. (Okay, the christmas desserts are better, but I'm talking main meal) I'm going to make myself impatient just talking about it - the turkey with cranberry sauce, real mashed potatoes and gravy, or those cheesy ones that my grandma makes sometimes, green bean casserole (NOT from a bag), yams with raisins and marshmallows, jello-salad, the finger-friendly veggies, homemade rolls (*sighs happily*), and of course, two or three different kinds of pie with "real" whipped cream....  :D Yes, I plan to eat myself into a food coma. And drink milk. With dinner. Every night! Haha!
In all honesty, though, I probably will eat less than I usually do. I've gotten used to not taking seconds of anything, and snacking in limited amounts, so as much as I want to eat everything all at once, I doubt my stomach will be okay with that plan. In that way, I'm really grateful for the way WSU does their dining plan. Since you pay for everything you eat individually, it's harder to just gorge yourself unless you are doing it intentionally, or you don't have a limit to your dining plan. I'm eating plenty, I'm just not as worried about the whole freshman 15 thing. All my pants still fit, so I think I'm pretty stable. Lol.
I guess that's about all I have to say on the food topic for right now. I've just been thinking about peaches all day long and needed to rant about food for just a little while. Home in 16 days! :)

*Peaches, The Presidents of the United States of America


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Lane! I enjoy your blog! It makes for some entertaining reading. I really hope you find a way to get some fresh good peaches.
    This blog idea is pretty genius if you ask me. A good way to stay current.

  3. :) Thanks, Alison! It's been so much fun to write!
